National Security Command Center

This is a highly secure facility that serves as the central hub for our security operations to ensure the safety and security of our staff and clients. It is responsible for monitoring and managing security threats, coordinating emergency response efforts, and providing real-time situational awareness to personnel.

Some of its functions include

  • Intelligence gathering and analysis from various sources such as human intelligence signals intelligence and open-source intelligence.
  • Assess potential security threats and coordinate response efforts to prevent security breaches. This includes the use of law enforcement and emergency response personnel.
  • Crisis management includes coordinating emergency response efforts and providing real-time situational awareness.
  • Maintaining communications and coordinating activities across all other system services personnel. We provide 4G radio and very high-frequency radio in remote locations to ensure constant contact with the command centre.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our National Security Command Centre and how we can protect you and your organisation or home.

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