Environment, Social & Governance (ESG)

At Wells Fargo, we are intent on reducing our impact on the environment, promoting sustainability, and improving the lives of people in the communities we serve.

In terms of the environment, we are looking to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, increase our use of renewable energy, and conserve water. To achieve these goals, we are constantly investing in renewable energy projects such as solar power, improving the energy efficiency of our buildings, and reducing water consumption. The Fargo Group has also partnered with several organizations, such as the Rhino Ark Charitable Fund and The Galana Conservancy, which are focused on environmental conservation.

Wells Fargo is also committed to social responsibility. We are pleased to have collaborated with other organizations that share our values in order to address various social and societal issues. We make use of our expertise, networks, and financial support to help build life-improving initiatives that benefit others.

Some of the initiatives we have supported are:

  • Kenya Kesho- Educate to Eradicate Poverty
  • Christmas Trust Fund
  • The Standard Chartered Marathon

At Wells Fargo, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of corporate governance and ethical conduct. Our comprehensive company framework helps us to manage risk, ensure compliance, and maintain transparency and accountability. Additionally, we have a strong commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and have taken steps to ensure that our workforce reflects the diversity of the communities they serve.

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