Security Guard Screening

Our screening process is thorough to ensure we hire reliable and trustworthy individuals capable of carrying out their duties effectively to our client’s satisfaction. This is done by vetting all our new employees before any appointments by:

  • Background checks: We conduct an in-depth check of a potential employee’s criminal record, employment history, and educational background. This includes relevant Government departments taking fingerprints for criminal record checks and obtaining a Certificate of Good Conduct.
  • Skills and abilities test: We assess an individual’s physical fitness, communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and other relevant skills needed for the job.
  • Reference checks: This involves contacting previous employers, character references, and other relevant individuals to verify information provided by the potential employee and gain insight into their character and work ethic. One is required to provide a minimum of three references.
  • Drug screening: This involves testing for drug use to ensure that the potential employee does not have a drug problem that could impact their ability to perform their duties.
  • Medical examinations: This ensures that the potential employee is physically fit and able to carry out the duties of a security guard.

Contact us to learn more about our security guard screening and how we can help protect your facility.

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